SuperTrak EX Series User Manual
The migrate command expands the capacit y of a logical drives (online capacity
expansion) and changes logical drive RAID levels (RAID level migration).
-a <action> Specifies the action to perform.
list (Default) Displays the migration status of specified disk
array. If no array ID specified, all migration statuses are
start Starts the migration.
-d <DA ID> Specifies the ID of the array to be migrated.
-p <PD ID list> Specifies the physical drives to be added to the array.
-l "<option>=<value>" Specifies logical drive migration settings.
id= (Required) Specifies the logical drive ID.
capacity= Specifies the new logical drive capacity.
Specify a value only when expanding logical drive
raid= Specifies the new RAID level.
Note: When expanding a RAID 10 logical drive, specify
RAID 10 as the target RAID level, otherwise the resulting
logical drive is a RAID 1E.
axle= Specifies the axle number.
Applies to RAID 50 and 60 when the RAID Level is
stripe= Specifies the new stripe size.
Not currently supported.
migrate -d 1
migrate -a start -d 1 -p 10 -l "id=0,capacity=10gb"
mp -a <action>
The mp command activates Media Patrol. Media Patrol searches the physical
drives for media errors. When an error is found, Media Patrol attempts to repair
the error. If it fails to correct the error, Media Patrol attempts to remap the sector.
Note: Sector remapping is not currently supported.