SuperTrak EX Series User Manual
Driver Installation Media


If your Windows PC does not have a floppy drive, copy the driver file to a CD or a
USB stick, whichever your PC supports.
To prepare a driver diskette, CD, or USB stick for Windows:
1. Insert the software CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2. Click the Driver button.
3. Click the Driver for Windows button.
4. Click the button for your Windows system:
2000 or XP 32-bit – Windows SCSIPort Driver
All other versions – Windows STORPort Driver
5. Insert a blank diskette, a writable CD, or attach a USB memory stick to your
6. Copy the driver file to the diskette, CD, or USB stick.
Check the driver’s ReadMe file for important information.
If you are using a Linux distribution for which there are no
compiled drivers, please access th e Promise Knowledge Base
and call up Article 10029.