Chapter 6: Management with the CLI
decimal places. If not specified, all available capacity is
used for this logical drive.
Stripe= Specifies logical drive stripe size. Options include 64KB,
128 KB, 256 KB, 512 KB, and 1024 KB. If not specified,
the default 64KB is used.
Sector= Specifies logical drive sector size. Options include 512 B,
1 KB, 2 KB, and 4 KB. Sector size cannot ex ceed Stripe
size. Auto-adjusted not to exceed the maximum
supported sector size of the controller. See controller
information on page194. If not specified, the default
512 B is used.
WritePolicy= Specifies logical drive write policy.
writethru Writes are not cached
writeback Writes are cached
ReadPolicy= Specifies logical drive read policy.
readahead Reads extra data to help reduce read times of sequential
readcache Caches reads the data in case the same request is made
nocache No caching algorithm.
Axle= A member element when creating a RAID10 or RAID50
or RAID60. RAID10 have 2 axles, RAID50 and RAID60
may have up to 16 axles with up to 16 dr ives per axle.
PreferredCtrlId= Subsystems only. Specifies which controller the LD is
preferred for LUN affinity. Valid value is 1 or 2. If value is
not specified, LUN affinity is auto balanced.
-c <array count> Specifies the number of arrays to give a summary of
when used with the -a list option. For example 'array -a
list -c3' will give a summary for the first 3 arrays on that
<Ld count> Specifies the number of logical drives to be created with
the -a add option. With the -c option, all the logical drives
have same settings but only one -l option=value can be
-t <condition type> Specifies the type of incomplete condition to accept. If not
specified, it will accept the current incomplete condition
by default.
missingdrive The condition of missing drive in the array.
missingwatermark The condition of missing NVRAM watermark of the array.
-v Verbose mode. Displays all array properties, requires -a list option.