Chapter 6: Management with the CLI
The array command is the main command for performing advanced configuration
and maintenance tasks on disk arrays.
This command lists, creates, modifies, deletes, and locates disk arrays. It also
adds and deletes logical drives.
-a <action> Specifies the action to perform.
list (Default) Displays a summary of all arrays, a specified
number of arrays, or a specific array.
add Adds/creates an array. This action might also create
logical drives at the same time.
addld Adds/creates a logical drive to an existing array.
delld Deletes a logical drive from an array.
mod Modifies array settings.
del Deletes an array and all its associated logical drives.
locate Locates an array.
accept Accepts the condition of an incomplete array. Currently,
there are two conditions that can cause an array to be
"Missing Drive: one or more drives missing in the
"Missing NVRAM Watermark
The migration watermark is not found on the
controller but the DDF on the array indicates that
migration is in progress.
When the either of the above conditions occurs, all the
logical drives on the array go offline.
You can accept the array in incomplete condition and try
to bring the logical drives online. However, that is a high-
risk and non-revertible operation, and it may result in data
loss. Therefore, it is recommended to clear the condition
first, for example: putting the missing drives back or
roaming the array back to the original controller and wait
until the migration completes.
transport Takes the array and the logical drives on the array offline
to get ready for transport the array to another subsystem.
-d <DA ID> The disk array ID. Valid values are 0-255. Specifies the
desired array ID when creating (add) an array. Specifies
the array ID when listing array information, modifying,