SuperTrak EX Series User Manual
deleting, locating, accepting, ad ding or deleting a logical
drive. Only one array may be specified.
-p <PD ID list> Specifies physical drives to be used in an array, with -a
add option. PD IDs are specified individually or separated
by comma. Sequential group of physical drives are
specified by placing a ~ between numbers such as 1~6.
This will include physical drives 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
-s "<option>=<value> Specifies array settings when creating (add) or modifying
(mod) an array. Options are comma separated.
alias= A user-specified array name. Up to 32 characters, alpha-
numeric characters, blank spaces and underscores.
Beginning and ending blank spaces are discarded.
mediapatrol= Enables or disables Media Patrol for this array.
enable The default is enable.
pdm= Enables or disables PDM for this array.
enable The default is enable.
-l "<option>=<value>" Specifies logical drive settings when adding a logical
drive to an existing array (addld) or during array creation
(add). Options are comma separated.
<LD ID list> Specifies a list of Logical Drive IDs. Requires the -a delld
ID= Assigns a specific ID to an array. Overrides automatic ID
assignment. Valid values are 0-255.
Alias= A user-specified name for the logical drive.
Raid= Specifies logical drive RAID level.
0 Striping.
1 Mirroring on two drives.
5 Parity, requiring 3 or more drives.
10 Mirroring on even number of drives.
1e Exte nded mirroring, requiring 2 or more drives.
50 Striping on mu ltiple RAID 5, requiring 6 or more drives.
6 Allow two drive failure, requiring 4 or more drives.
60 Striping on mu ltiple RAID 6, requiring 8 or more drives.
Capacity= Specifies logical drive capacity. Can be specif ied in
megabytes (mb), gigabytes (gb) or terabytes (tb), up to 2