SuperTrak EX Series User Manual
-t <file type> Specifies the type of file to export.
userdb User database file. This file type is not applicable for in-
band and can only be exported to a remote host.
servicereport System service report file. This file is exported to remote
host for embedded and local host for in-band.
-f <file name> Specifies the name of the file to be exported.
-s <TFTP server> Specifies TFTP server’s IP or host name.
Do not specify TFTP server for in-band.
-p <port num> The port number of the TFTP server. Default is 69.
Do not specify port number for in-band.
export -t userdb -s -f userdb.bin
export -t servicereport -s -f servicereport # for embedded
export -t servicereport -f servicereport # for in-band
factorydefaults -a <action> -t <type>
The factorydefaults command restores factory default settings.
-a <action> Specifies the action to perform.
restore Restore the factory default settings.
-t <type> Specifies the type of settings to restore.
all All settings.
allfw All firmware settings.
allsw Subsystems only. All software settings.
Following are individual Firmware settings:
bga Background activit y settings.
ctrl Controller settings.
encl Enclosure settings, including temperature thresholds,
buzzer etc.
fc Subsystems only. FC port settings.