Chapter 3 Operation | |
Internal Cross Connect Settings
Internal cross connect allows you to cross connect two bundles from the same IPmux, internally. For internal cross connect settings, define the bundles and in the Bundle Connection Configuration menu, set the Destination IP Address as the host IP address. Once a cross connection has been opened, an opposite bundle will be opened automatically with the opposite source and destination bundle. In a cross connected bundle that was opened, no other parameters (such as jitter, TDM, etc.) can be changed. You must delete and recreate new parameters. Deleting a cross connected bundle will automatically delete the connection opposite it. For example: to cross connect X with Y, you need only connect X to Y, the connection of Y to X will be automatic. To delete the connection between X and Y, it is enough to delete the connection from Y to X, and the connection from X to Y will be deleted automatically.
➤To define a Next Hop:
The ‘next hop’ parameter should be used when the Destination IP address is not in the device subnet.
In such cases the Ethernet frame will be sent to the ‘next hop’ IP. The default value of the next hop field is the default gateway.
1.Type 4.
2.Enter the IP address.
Default value: (not configured)
Note The next hop IP must be in the device subnet.
➤To define a destination bundle at the remote IPmux-16:
1.Type 5.
2.Enter the desired bundle number in the destination
➤To define the Jitter Buffer:
1.Type 6.
2.Enter the desired depth of the jitter buffer:
The device holds an elastic buffer per link whose size is configurable in units of 10 microseconds (∝s).
T1: 37 to 2400 (370∝s – 24 ms)
E1: 37 to 3200 (370∝s – 32 ms)
Note | Although PDVT input handles 10 microsecond steps, the physical resolution is 125 |
| |
| microseconds; input value is rounded up to the next 125∝s value. |
Default values: 300 for all interfaces (3 msec).
➤To set the number of TDM bytes to be sent in an IP frame:
• Type 7 (TDM Bytes in Frame) in the Bundle Connection Configuration menu.
Use the <Spacebar> on your keyboard to toggle between the following values (single payload - eight payloads): 48, 96, 144, 192, 240, 288, 336, 384. Default payload: single payload (48). See Chapter 1 for further information on TDM bytes per frame.
Configuring |