When You Have Problems Operating the Machine
When You Have Problems Operating the Machine
The following chart gives explanations of common problems and messages. | 1 |
If other messages appear, follow the instructions displayed.
❒Check the contact address and Serial No. of Machine shown in the call service message, and then contact your service representative.
Problem | Cause | Solution |
Although the copier | Functions other than the | Wait a little longer. |
screen appears when the | copier function are not |
machine is turned on us- | yet ready. |
ing the main power |
switch, it cannot be |
switched to another |
screen by pressing the |
{Printer}or {Scanner}key. |
The machine has just | Functions other than the | Wait a little longer. |
been turned on and the | copier function are not |
User Tools screen is dis- | yet ready. Time required |
played, but the User | varies by function. Func- |
Tools menu has items | tions appear in the User |
missing. | Tools menu when they |
| become ready for use. |
The main power indica- | This occurs in the follow- | Close ADF, and check if the machine is |
tor continues blinking | ing cases: | communicating with a computer. |
and does not turn off | • ADF is open. |
when pressed. |
| |
• The machine is com- |
| |
| |
| municating with ex- |
| ternal equipment. |
| • The hard disk is ac- |
| tive. |
The display is off. | The machine is in Energy | Press the {Energy Saver} key to cancel |
| Saver mode. | Energy Saver Mode. mode. |
The display is off. | The operation switch is | Turn on the operation switch. |
| turned off. |
Nothing happens when | The main power switch is | Turn on the main power switch. |
the operation switch is | turned off. |
turned on. |
“Please wait.” ap- | This message appears | Wait for the machine to get ready. |
pears. | when you turn on the op- |
| eration switch. |
“Please wait.” ap- | This message appears | Wait for the machine to get ready. |
pears. | when you change the ton- |
| er bottle. |