When the Machine Does Not Operate As wanted

Document Server













Exceeded max.

The number of scanned

To store scanned pages as a file, press



number of pages

pages exceeds the capaci-

[Store File]. Scanned data is stored as a



per file. Do you

ty per file of the Docu-

file in the Document Server. If you do



want to store the

ment Server.

not want to store scanned pages, press




[No]. Scanned data is deleted.



scanned pages as








1 file?” appears.










You forgot your pass-

You cannot access a pro-

Contact the administrator.




tected file without enter-

To delete the files stored in the docu-




ing the password.




ment server, select [Delete All Files in Doc-





ument Server]. As this will permanently





delete every single file, make sure the





document server does not contain any





files you want to keep. See “Delete All





Files in Document Server”, General Set-





tings Guide.








You cannot find out what

You may not be able to

You can switch the Select File screen be-



is stored in a file.

ascertain the contents of a

tween [List] and [Thumbnail] display to




file simply from the file

check the contents of the file. In list dis-





play, the file name, date and time of





storage, and user name are shown. In





thumbnail display, an image of the





stored file appears. You can enlarge the





image by pressing [Preview]. Use the Se-





lect File screen to check information





other than the file name. See “Checking





the Details of a Stored Document”,





Copy/Document Server Reference.








Memory frequently be-

The document server

Delete unnecessary files. On the file se-



comes full.

memory is full.

lection display, select unnecessary files,





and then press [Delete File]. If this does





not increase available memory, do the










• Switch to the scanner screen, and





then delete unnecessary files stored





under the scanner function.





• Switch to the printer screen, and





then delete unnecessary files stored





under Sample Print, Locked Print,





Hold Print, or Stored Print.