Troubleshooting When Using the Copy Function

If You Cannot Exit from Connect Copy

This section explains about causes and remedies if you cannot exit from Connect Copy.













There is no response when

Scanning is in progress.

Press the {Stop} key on the main ma-



you press [Connect Copy].


chine, and then press [Stop].







There is no response when

Copying is in progress.

Press the {Stop} key on the main ma-



you press [Connect Copy].


chine, and then press [Stop].








There is no response when

A paper misfeed has oc-

Follow the instructions displayed.



you press [Connect Copy].

curred on either the main

For details, see p.93 “Removing




machine or sub-machine.

Jammed Paper” and p.106 “Removing





Jammed Staples”.





If the sub-machine's display indicates





that a cover is open, follow the instruc-





tions displayed.








There is no response when

A paper misfeed has oc-

To cancel Connect Copy, Press the



you press [Connect Copy].

curred on either the main

{Stop} key on the main machine, and




or sub-machine.

then press [Stop].








There is no response when

A paper misfeed has oc-

Follow the instructions displayed.



you press [Connect Copy].

curred on one of the ma-

For details, see p.65 “Loading paper”,




chine, or toner or other




p.87 “Adding Toner”, and p.93 “Re-




supplies need to be re-




moving Jammed Paper”.
















There is no response when

A paper misfeed has oc-

To cancel Connect Copy, press the



you press [Connect Copy].

curred on one of the ma-

{Stop} key on the main machine, and




chine, or toner or other

then press [Stop].




supplies need to be re-














There is no response when

A paper misfeed has oc-

Removed the jammed paper.



you press [Connect Copy].

curred during stapling.

For details, see p.106 “Removing









Jammed Staples”.





To cancel Connect Copy, press the





{Stop} key on the main machine, and





then press [Stop].