Troubleshooting When Using the Printer Function

If USB Connection Fails

This section explains how to troubleshoot a problem related to USB connection.













The machine is not auto-

The USB cable is not con-

Turn off the power of the machine, re-



matically recognized.

nected properly.

connect the USB cable, and then turn it





on again.








Windows has already

Check whether the com-

Open Windows' Device Manager, and



configured the USB set-

puter has identified the

then, under [Universal Serial Bus control-




machine as an unsup-

lers], remove any conflicting devices.






ported device.

Conflicting devices have a [!] or [?] icon








by them. Take care not to accidentally





remove required devices. For details,





see Windows Help.





When using Windows 2000 / XP or





Windows Server 2003, an erroneous de-





vice is displayed under [USB Controller]





in the [Device Manager] dialog box.








Windows Me and the

You need to download

Download USB Printing Support from



machine cannot be con-

USB Printing Support for

the supplier's website.




Windows Me.

Search the model name you use on the









supplier's website, and download USB





Printing Support.