Troubleshooting When Using the Scanner Function
| Message | Cause | Solution |
| Transmission has | Transmission has failed. | Allocate sufficient space. |
| failed. Insuffi- | There was not enough |
| cient memory in | free space on the hard |
| the destination | disk of the SMTP server, |
| FTP server, or client com- |
| |
| hard disk. To |
| |
| puter at the destination. |
| |
| check the current |
| |
| status, press |
| [Scanned Files |
| Status]. |
| Output buffer is | The file being stored has | Specify whether to use the data or not. |
| full. Sending the | exceeded the max. num- | Scan the pages that were not scanned |
| data has been | ber of pages for one file. | and store them as a new file. See Storing |
| cancelled. Please |
| Files Using the Scanner Function Scan- |
4 |
| ner Reference. | |
| try again later. |
| ||
| ||
| Exceeded maximum | Too many files are wait- | Please try again after they have been |
| number of file to | ing to be delivered. | delivered. |
| store. Delete all |
| unnecessary |
| files. |
| Exceeded max. | Too many files are wait- | Please try again after they have been |
| number of stored | ing to be delivered. | delivered. |
| files. Cannot |
| send the scanned |
| data as capturing |
| files is unavail- |
| able. |
| Exceeded max. | The maximum number of | Check the files stored by the other func- |
| number of files | files that can be stored in | tions, and then delete unneeded files. |
| which can be used | the document server has | See “Document Server”, Copy/Docu- |
| in Document Serv- | been exceeded. | ment Server Reference. |
| er at the same |
| time. |
| Entered protec- | The correct protect desti- | Make sure the protection code is cor- |
| tion code for | nation code was not en- | rect, and then enter it again. See “Regis- |
| destination is | tered. | tering a Protection Code”, General |
| incorrect. Please |
| Settings Guide. |
| |
| |
| Entered user code | The entered password is | Check the authentication setting, and |
| is not correct. | incorrect. | then specify a correct password. |