Troubleshooting When Using the Scanner Function
When a Message is Displayed
This section explains likely causes of and possible solutions for error messages that may appear on the machine's control panel.
When a Message is Displayed on the Control Panel
This section explains causes and remedies if an error message appears on the display of the control panel.
| ❒ If a message not described here appears, act according to the message. For in- | |||
| formation about how to turn off the main power switch, see About This Ma- | |||
4 | |||||
| chine. |
| ||
| |
| Message | Cause | Solution | |
| |
| Connection with | A network error has oc- | Try the operation once more. If the mes- | |
| LDAP server has | curred and connection | sage is still shown, the network may be | |
| failed. Check the | has failed. Try the opera- | crowded. Check the information of Sys- | |
| server status. | tion once more. | tem Settings. See “System Settings”, | |
| General Settings Guide. | ||
| ||
| |
| LDAP server au- | The user name and pass- | Make settings correctly for the user | |
| thentication has | word differ from those | name and the password for LDAP serv- | |
| failed. Check the | set for LDAP Authentica- | er authentication. | |
| settings. | tion. |
| |
| ||
| |
| The destination | A specified destination or | Specify the destination or sender's | |
| list has been up- | sender's name was | name again. | |
| dated. Specified | cleared when the destina- |
| |
| destination(s) or | tion list in the delivery |
| |
| sender's name has | server was updated. |
| |
| been cleared. |
| |
| |
| Updating the des- | A network error has oc- | Check whether the server is connected. | |
| tination list has | curred. |
| |
| failed. Try again? |
| |
| |
| The destination | A network error has oc- | If a destination or sender's name was al- | |
| list has been up- | curred. | ready selected, | |
| dated. Specified |
| message disappears. | |
| destination(s) or |
| |
| sender's name has |
| |
| been cleared. |
| |