Troubleshooting When Using the Printer Function
Alert Messages
This section describes the machine Alert messages.
| Message | Cause | Solution |
| Cannot connect with | • IEEE 802.11b interface | Turn off the machine and check the |
| the wireless card. | unit was not inserted | IEEE 802.11b interface unit is inserted |
| Turn the main power | when the machine was | correctly. Then, turn the machine on |
| switch off, then | turned on, or it was | again. If the message appears again, call |
| pulled out after the | your service representative. | |
| check the card. | ||
| machine turned on. |
| |
| / Problems with the |
| |
3 |
| • The settings are not |
| |
| wireless card. |
| ||
| updated although the |
| ||
| / Problems with the |
| |
| unit is detected, or er- |
| |
| wireless board. |
| |
| rors are found while |
| |
| |
| accessing the unit. |
| Problems with | An error may have oc- | Turn off the main power switch, and back |
| IEEE 1394 Board. | curred in the IEEE 1394 | on again. If the message appears again, |
| board. | contact your service representative. |
| Problem with Hard | An error has occurred in | Turn off the main power switch, and back |
| Disk. | the hard disk drive. | on again. If the message appears again, |
| contact your service representative. |
| The entered pass- | The password of the en- | Enter the correct password. |
| word is incorrect. | crypted PDF file has been |
| entered incorrectly. |
| USB has a problem. | An error has occurred in | Turn off the main power switch, and back |
| the USB interface. | on again. If the message appears again, |
| contact your service representative. |
| Hardware Problem: | An error has occurred in | Turn off the main power switch, and back |
| Ethernet | the Ethernet board. | on again. If the message appears again, |
| contact your service representative. |
| You do not have | Use of this function is re- | Contact the administrator. |
| the privileges to | stricted. |
| use this function. |
| Authentication | • The login user name | • Check your login user name and |
| has failed. | or password entered | password. |
| is incorrect. | • Contact the administrator. |
| |
| • The machine current- |
| ly cannot perform au- |
| thentication. |
| Parallel I/F board | An error has occurred in | Turn off the main power switch, and |
| has a problem. | the parallel interface | back on again. If the message appears |
| board. | again, contact your service representa- |
| tive. |
| Printer font er- | An error has occurred in | Contact your service representative. |
| ror. | the font settings. |