Troubleshooting When Using the Printer Function
| Problem | Cause | Solution |
| There is considerable | Processing time de- | ❖ RPCS |
| delay between the | pends on data vol- | Select the lower value for [Resolution:] on |
| print start instruction | ume. High volume | the [Print Quality] tab in the printer driver's |
| and actual printing. | data, such as graph- | dialog box. |
| Select [Fast] for the [Document type] list on | |
| take longer to process. | the [Print Quality] tab in the printer driver's |
| dialog box. |
| To enable [Change User Settings...], select the |
| [User settings] check box. |
| See the printer driver Help. |
3 |
| Images are cut off, or | You may be using pa- | Use the same size paper as that selected in the | |
| excess is printed. | per smaller than the | application. If you cannot load paper of the |
| size selected in the ap- | correct size, use the reduction function to re- |
| plication. | duce the image, and then print. See the printer |
| driver Help. |
| Page layout is not as | Print areas differ de- | Adjust the [Printable area:] setting in the [Printer |
| expected. | pending on machine | Configuration...] dialog box on the [Print Settings] |
| used. Information that | tab in the RPCS printer driver. See the printer |
| fits on a single page on | driver Help. |
| one machine may not |
| fit on a single page of |
| another machine. |
| Photo images are | Some applications | Use the application's settings to specify a high- |
| coarse. | print at lower resolu- | er resolution. |
| tion. |
| Solid lines are printed | Dither patterns do not | Make the following settings with the printer |
| as broken lines. | match. | driver: Change the [Dithering:] setting on the |
| [Image Adjustments] tab in the [Change User Set- |
| tings...] dialog box, on the [Print Quality] tab in |
| the RPCS printer driver. See the printer driver |
| Help. |
| Optional components | Bidirectional commu- | Set up optional devices on the Properties of the |
| connected to the ma- | nication is not work- | printer. |
| chine are not recog- | ing. | See the printer driver Help. |
| nized when using |
| |
| |
| Windows 95 / 98 / |
| Me, Windows 2000 / |
| XP, Windows Server |
| 2003, and Windows |
| NT 4.0. |