Troubleshooting When Using the Copy Function














The entered login user

Inquire the user administrator for the



has failed.

name or login password

correct login user name and login pass-




is not correct.










The machine cannot per-

Contact the administrator.



has failed.

form authentication.









The selected

You have tried to delete

Files can be deleted by the person who



file(s) contained

files without the authori-

created the file. To delete a file which



file(s) without

ty to do so.

you are not authorized to delete, con-



access privileg-


tact the person who created the file.







es. Only file(s)





with access priv-





ileges will be















Please wait.

The destination list is being

Wait until the message disappears. Do




updated from the network

not switch off the power while this




using SmartDeviceMoni-

message is displayed.




tor for Admin. Depending





on the number of destina-





tions to be updated, there





may be some delay before





you can resume operation.





Operations are not possi-





ble while this message is














It will be neces-

A misfeed occurred when

Remove the jammed sheet.



sary to start

unneeded tab stock was

If cycle printing is specified for tab



over and reload


stock sheets, both needed and unneed-






the tab stock to


ed tab stock is ejected when copying re-



the trays.


starts. Reload the tab stock trays before





the new print cycle begins.





After resetting the tab stock pages,





press [Exit]. To resume printing, press





the {Start} key.








Connect Copy




















Cannot connect to

• The L indicator is lit.

Press [Exit] on the main machine and



the sub-machine.

• The hard disk of the

follow the instructions on the display.



Check the status of

sub-machine is mal-




the sub-machine.










Cannot print from

A paper misfeed has oc-

Follow the instructions displayed. For



the sub-machine.

curred on the sub-ma-

details, see p.87 “Adding Toner”, p.93



Check the status of

chine, or toner or other

“Removing Jammed Paper”, p.106 “Re-



the sub-machine.

supplies need to be re-

moving Jammed Staples”.




If the sub-machine's display indicates












that a cover is open, follow the instruc-





tions displayed.