When the Machine Does Not Operate As wanted
| Problem | Cause | Solution |
| “Memory is full. | The scanned originals ex- | • Press [Store File] to store pages that |
| Do you want to | ceed the number of | have been scanned. Delete unneces- |
| store scanned | sheets/pages that can be | sary files with [Delete File]. |
1 |
| file?” appears. | stored in the hard disk. | • Press [No] if you are not storing pag- |
| |||
| es that have been scanned. Delete |
| |
| unnecessary files with [Delete File]. |
| “Self checking...” | The machine is perform- | The machine may perform periodic |
| appears. | ing image adjustment op- | maintenance during operations. The |
| erations. | frequency and duration of maintenance |
| depends on the humidity, temperature, |
| and printing factors such as number of |
| prints, paper size, and paper type. Wait |
| for the machine to get ready. |
| The user code entry | Users are restricted by | Enter the user code (up to eight digits), |
| screen is displayed. | user management. | and then press [OK]. |
| The Authentication | Basic Authentication, | Enter your login user name and user |
| screen appears. | Windows Authentica- | password. See “When the Authentica- |
| tion, LDAP Authentica- | tion Screen is Displayed”, About This |
| tion or Integration Server | Machine. |
| Authentication is set. |
| “You do not have | The use of the function is | Contact the administrator. |
| the privileges to | restricted to authenticat- |
| use this func- | ed users only. |
| tion.” is displayed. |
| “You do not have | This user code is not al- | Press the {Energy Saver}key. Confirm |
| the privileges to | lowed to use the function | that the display goes off, and then press |
| use this function.” | selected. | the {Energy Saver}key again. The display |
| continues to be displayed |
| will return to the user code entry dis- |
| play. When printing under the copier or | |
| even though you have |
| |
| printer function, press the {Energy Saver} | |
| entered a valid user code. |
| |
| key only after printing has finished. |
| An error message re- | • When a misfeed mes- | Clear misfed paper, and then open and |
| mains, even if misfed pa- | sage appears, it re- | close the front cover. see p.93 “Clearing |
| per is removed. | mains until you open | |
| and close the cover as |
| required. |
| • Paper is still jammed |
| in the tray. |
| Original images are | You may have loaded the | Load paper correctly. Place paper in the |
| printed on the reverse | paper incorrectly. | paper tray with the print side up. Load |
| side of the paper. |
| paper into the bypass tray with the |
| print side down. See p.74 “Orientation- |
| |