Troubleshooting When Using the Scanner Function
| Message | Cause | Solution | |
| |
| Cannot find the | The destination comput- | Check whether the computer name and | |
| specified path. | er name or folder name is | the folder name for the destination are | |
| Please check the | invalid. | correct. | |
| settings. |
| |
| |
| Exceeded max. | The maximum number of | The maximum number of characters | |
| number of alpha- | specifiable alphanumeric | which can be entered for the path is 128. | |
| numeric charac- | characters in a path has | Check the number of character you en- | |
| ters for the path. | been exceeded. | tered, and then enter the path again. | |
| See “Transmission function”, Scanner | |
| Reference. | |
| |
| The selected | You have tried to delete | The files can be deleted by the file ad- | |
| file(s) contained | files without the authori- | ministrator. To delete a file which you | |
| file(s) without | ty to do so. | are not authorized to delete, contact the | |
4 | |||||
| access privileg- |
| administrator. | ||
| es. Only file(s) |
| |
| with access priv- |
| |
| ileges will be |
| |
| deleted. |
| |
| |
| Some of selected | You cannot delete a file | Cancel transmission (“Waiting...”status | |
| files are cur- | which is waiting to be | cleared) or the DeskTopBinder setting, | |
| rently in use. | transmitted (“Waiting...” | and then delete the file. | |
| They could not be | status displayed) or |
| |
| whose information is be- |
| ||
| deleted. |
| ||
| ing changed with Desk- |
| ||
| ||
| TopBinder. |
| |
| |
| Selected file is | You cannot change the | Change the file name after canceling | |
| currently in use. | name of a file whose sta- | delivery or completing editing. | |
| Cannot change | tus is “Waiting...” or that |
| |
| file name. | is being edited with |
| |
| DeskTopBinder. |
| ||
| ||
| |
| Selected file is | You cannot change the | Delete the password after canceling de- | |
| currently in use. | name of a file whose sta- | livery or completing editing. | |
| Cannot change | tus is “Waiting...” or that |
| |
| password. | is being edited with |
| |
| DeskTopBinder. |
| ||
| ||
| |
| Selected file is | You cannot change the | A sender's name should be specified | |
| currently in use. | password of a file whose | before sending | |
| Cannot change | status is “Waiting...” or | specifying the sender's name. | |
| user name. | that is being edited with |
| |
| DeskTopBinder. |
| ||
| ||