Troubleshooting When Using the Facsimile Function
| Problem | Cause | Solution |
| Cannot cancel a Memo- | The document is being scanned. | Press the {Clear/Stop} key. See |
| ry Transmission. |
| “Canceling a Transmission”, Fac- |
| simile Reference. |
| Cannot cancel a Memo- | The document is being sent or it is | Press the {Clear/Stop} key. See |
| ry Transmission. | in standby. | “Canceling a Transmission”, Fac- |
| simile Reference. |
| Cannot cancel an Im- | - | Press the {Clear/Stop} key. See |
| mediate Transmission. |
| “Canceling a Transmission”, Fac- |
| simile Reference. |
3 |
| Cannot cancel Internet | - | Press the {Clear/Stop} key. See |
| Fax transmission. |
| “Canceling a Transmission”, Fac- |
| simile Reference. |
| Canceling Internet Fax transmis- |
| sion is possible only during scan- |
| ning. It is impossible during |
| communication. |
| Although a group spec- | The number of specified destina- | A maximum of 100 parties can be |
| ification was set for the | tions exceeds the maximum num- | specified for a group. Check if |
| following, reception | ber that can be specified as a | there are over the specified num- |
| was not possible. | group. | bers registered in the address |
| Forwarding, Forward- |
| book. If a group was registered in |
| another group, transmission is | |
| ing of Special Sender, |
| |
| canceled but an error message | |
| Email TX Result, rout- |
| |
| does not appear. See “Registering | |
| ing email received via |
| |
| Names to a Group”, General Set- | |
| SMTP. |
| |
| tings Guide. | |
| |
| ❖ Reception |
| Problem | Cause | Solution |
| The machine failed to | If this happened when the Re- | • Load paper into the paper |
| print received fax doc- | ceive File indicator was lit, the pa- | tray. |
| uments. | per or toner might have run out, | • Add toner. |
| making printing impossible. | |
| See “Substitute Reception”, Fac- | |
| |
| simile Reference. |
| The machine failed to | When the B Load Paper indica- | Load paper into the paper tray. |
| print received fax doc- | tor is lit. | |
| uments. |
| Reception is impossi- | The toner has run out. | Replace the toner bottle. See p.85 |
| ble, but transmission is |
| |
| possible. |
| Reception is possible, but | The terminal adaptor setting is in- | Check the setting. |
| transmission is impossible. | correct. |
| Transmission is possible, | The terminal adaptor setting is in- | Check the setting. |
| but reception is impossible. | correct. |