Troubleshooting When Using the Printer Function
| Problem | Cause | Solution |
| Print is slanted. | The tray's side | Check the side fences are locked. See p.71 “Changing the |
| fences might | |
| not be locked. |
| Print is slanted. | The paper is | Load the paper correctly. See p.65 “Loading Paper”. |
| feeding in at a |
| slant. |
| Print is slanted. | The machine's | Make sure the right and lower right covers are properly |
| cover is open. | closed. |
| Misfeeds occur | The number of | Load paper only as high as the upper limit markings on |
| frequently. | sheets loaded | the side fences of the paper tray or bypass tray. See “Copy |
| exceeds the ca- | Paper”, About This Machine. |
| pacity of the |
| machine. |
4 |
| |
| |
| Misfeeds occur | The paper is | Use paper that has been stored in the recommended tem- | |
| |||
| frequently. | damp. | perature and humidity condition. See “Copy Paper”, |
| About This Machine. |
| Misfeeds occur | The paper is too | Use recommended paper. See “Copy Paper”, About This |
| frequently. | thick or too thin. | Machine. |
| Misfeeds occur | The copy paper | Use recommended paper. Use paper that has been stored |
| frequently. | is wrinkled or | in the recommended temperature and humidity condi- |
| has been fold- | tion. See “Copy Paper”, About This Machine. |
| ed/creased. |
| Misfeeds occur | Printed paper is | Use recommended paper. See “Copy Paper”, About This |
| frequently. | being used. | Machine. |
| Copy paper be- | The paper is | Use paper that has been stored in the recommended tem- |
| comes creased. | damp. | perature and humidity condition. See “Copy Paper”, |
| About This Machine. |
| Copy paper be- | The paper is too | Use recommended paper. See “Copy Paper”, About This |
| comes creased. | thin. | Machine. |
| Garbled charac- | The correct | Set the correct printer language. |
| ters are printed. | printer lan- |
| guage might |
| have not been |
| selected. |
| Images are | The feed orien- | Set the machine's feed orientation and the printer driver's |
| printed in the | tation you se- | feed orientation accordingly. See the printer driver Help. |
| wrong orienta- | lected and the |
| tion. | feed orientation |
| selected in the |
| printer driver's |
| option setup |
| might not be the |
| same. |