Troubleshooting When Using the Printer Function













Page layout is

Print areas differ

Adjust the [Printable area:] setting in the [Printer Configura-



not as expected.

depending on the

tion...] dialog box on the [Print Settings] tab in the RPCS




machine used. In-

printer driver. See the printer driver Help.




formation that fits





on a single page





on one machine





may not fit on a





single page of an-





other machine.









Photo images

Some applica-

Use the application's settings to specify a higher resolution.



are coarse.

tions print at





lower resolution.









Solid lines are

Dither patterns

Make the following settings with the printer driver:



printed as bro-

do not match.



• Change the [Dithering:] setting on the [Image Adjust-


ken lines.





ments] tab in the [Change User Settings] dialog box, on







the [Print Quality] tab in the RPCS printer driver. See the





printer driver Help.








Optional com-


Set up optional devices on the Properties of the machine.



ponents con-


See the printer driver Help.



nected to the

is not working.




machine are not










when using





Windows 95 /





98 / Me, Win-





dows 2000 / XP,





Windows Serv-





er 2003, or Win-





dows NT 4.0.










When using Win-


Make sure the application's paper size and orientation set-



dows 95/98/Me,


tings match those of the printer driver.





If a different paper size and orientation are set, select the



2000/XP, or Win-





same size and orientation.



dows NT 4.0,








Auto Reduce/En-





large print does





not come out as















The print job is


Even when the machine is offline, printing is performed



not canceled


when [Job Acceptance Priority] is selected for [Signal Control]



even when the


in [Parallel Interface] in [Interface Settings] under [System Set-



machine is


tings]. Select [Printer Priority] for [Signal Control].



switched to of-


See “Interface Settings”, General Settings Guide.



fline status.













Images are in-

You may be us-

Use the same size paper as that selected in the application.



complete, or ex-

ing paper small-

If you cannot load paper of the correct size, use the reduc-



cess pages are

er than the size

tion function to reduce the image, and then print.




selected in the

See the printer driver Help.



