When You Cannot Send or Receive Fax Messages As Wanted
❖ Others
Problem | Cause | Solution |
All fax documents | All fax documents are lost from | If any documents have been lost |
stored in memory have | memory if the machine remains | for this reason, a Power Failure |
been lost. Those docu- | unpowered for approximately 12 | Report is automatically printed |
ments include ones | hours or longer. | when the machine is turned on. If |
stored through Memory |
| fax documents stored for Memo- |
Transmission/Recep- |
| ry Transmission have been lost, |
tion, Memory Lock, and |
| check the destinations and resend |
Substitute Reception. |
| the documents. If fax documents |
| received through Memory, Mem- |
| ory Lock or Substitute Reception |
| 3 |
| have been lost, ask the senders to |
| resend the documents. See p.35 |
| |
| |
The following func- | This function is made unavailable | Contact the administrator. |
tions are not available: | by the enhanced security function. |
Forwarding, routing |
email received via |
When Memory Is Full
This section describes likely causes of and possible solutions for problems related to full memory.
Message | Cause | Solution |
Exceeded max. | The memory is full. | If you press [Exit], the machine re- |
memory capacity. |
| turns to standby mode and starts |
Do you want to |
| transmitting the stored pages. |
send the scanned |
data? |