| Other Printing Problems |
Problem | Cause | Solution |
Duplexprintingis | Duplex printing | When using duplex printing, make settings to use paper |
malfunctioning. | cannot be done | from a tray other than the bypass tray. |
| with paper set |
| in the bypass |
| tray. |
Duplexprintingis | You have load- | Specify another paper type. |
malfunctioning. | ed thick paper , |
| OHP transpar- |
| encies, or labels |
| specified as the |
| paper type. |
Duplexprintingis | Duplex printing | Change the Paper Type setting for the tray to [On] on the |
malfunctioning. | cannot be done | System Settings menu. See “System Settings”, General Set- |
| with a tray for | tings Guide. |
| 4 | ||
| which [Off] has |
| |
| ||
| been specified |
| as Paper Type |
| on the System |
| Settings menu. |
When using Win- | The correct ap- | Make sure the application's paper size and orientation set- |
dows 95 / 98 / | plication or | tings match those of the printer driver. If a different paper size |
Me / 2000 / XP, | printer driver | and orientation are set, select the same size and orientation. |
Windows Server | settings are not |
2003, or Windows | made. |
NT 4.0, combined |
printing or book- |
let printing does |
not come out as |
expected. |
A print instruc- | User Authenti- | User code management may have been set. Ask the ad- |
tion was issued | cation may have | ministrator about valid user codes. To print, the user code |
from the com- | been set. | must be entered from the printer driver. |
puter, but print- |
ing did not start. |