Samsung Microwave Oven warranty Food

Models: Microwave Oven

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Baby food

190 gm


30 sec


Empty into deep ceramic plate.

(vegetables + meat)





Cook covered. Stir after cooking






time. Stand for 2-3 minutes.






Before serving, stir well and






check the temperature carefully.







Baby porridge

190 gm


20 sec


Empty into deep ceramic plate.

(grain + milk + fruit)





Cook covered. Stir after cooking






time. Stand for 2-3 minutes.






Before serving, stir well and






check the temperature carefully.







Baby milk

100 ml


30-40 sec


Stir or shake well and pour into a


200 ml


1 min


sterilized glass bottle. Place on




10 sec


the centre of turntable. Cook






uncovered. Shake well and






stand for at least 3 minutes.






Before serving, shake well and






check the temperature carefully.












Table: 04

could adversely affect the appliance and possibly result in a hazardous situation.

„Clean the outside surfaces with a soft cloth and warm, soapy water. Rinse and dry.

„Remove any splashes or stains on the inside surfaces or on the roller ring with a soapy cloth. Rinse and dry.

„To loosen hardened food particles and remove smells, place a cup of diluted lemon juice on the turntable and heat for 10 minutes at maximum power.

„Wash the dishwasher-safe plate whenever necessary.

DO NOT spill water in the vents. NEVER use any abrasive products or chemical solvents. Take particular care when cleaning the door seals to ensure that no particles:


„Prevent the door from closing correctly

Clean the MWO cavity right after each use with a mild detergent solution, but let the MWO cool down before cleaning in order to avoid injury.

The instructions for cooking ranges, hobs and ovens shall state that a steam cleaner is not to be used.


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Samsung Microwave Oven warranty Food