5. Copying


This section describes how to make copies.


When making multiple copy sets, copying starts once all originals have been scanned into memory. If memory runs out (free memory reaches 0%) while scanning in, the copy job is canceled and the scanned data is deleted from mem- o ry . H ow ev er, cop ying the scanned original is possible if you select Stack as the output order for multiple copying.


Recommended originals are the same as recommended documents for fax transmission. Set the origi- nal and select any scan settings in the same way as for fax transmis- sion.

You cannot set the Resolution to Super Fine in Copy mode. Howev- er, you can do so by installing the Optional 40MB Memory Card and enabling Super Fine resolution in Copy mode with User Parameters. See p.178 “User Parameters” (switch 20 bit 1).

When turning the "EXTRA SUPER FINE IN TRANSMISSION MODE" on with User Parameters (switch 20 bit 1), the machine may not be able to send or receive fax messag- es using multiple lines, or copy or print received messages.

In order to use copy paper that you cannot load in the main paper tray or optional Paper Tray Unit(s), you need to install the optional Bypass Tray Unit. See p.129 “Making Cop- ies on Special Paper”.

You can set the output order of multiple sets of copies to Sort (1,2,3,1,2,3) or Stack (1,1,2,2,3,3) with User Parameters. See p.178 “User Parameters” (switch 09 bit 7).

If you wish to prevent passersby from freely making copies, you can disable the copy feature with User Parameters. See p.178 “User Pa- rameters” (switch 12 bit 7).

There may be slight difference in the size and quality of printed im- age between fax transmission and copy feature.

The margins of error when copy- ing at 100% magnification are as follows:

Horizontal: +2.0%, –2.5%

Vertical: +1.5%, –2.0%

The copying feature is available only in standby mode. If the ma- chine is in another operation mode, make it return to standby mode. See p.25 “Standby Display”, <Basic Features>.