
Type of address octet, which defines the used type of number (ton) and the numbering plan identification (npi). Please consider that for types other than 129 or 145 dialing from phonebook with ATD><mem><n> is, depending on the network, not always possible (refer GSM 04.08 subclause for details).

If <type> is not specified the unknown <type>=129 is used. If <number> contains a leading "+" <type>=145 (international) is used.

Supported values are:


Dialing string <number> includes international access code character "+"


National number. The network support for this type is optional.


Dialing string <number> will be saved as ASCII string.


This is the default value, if <type> is not specified explicitly and characters


other than "*", "#" or "+" are included in <number>.


Note that phonebook entries saved with this type cannot be dialed.


Dialing string <number> is a command to control a Supplementary Service,


i.e. "*", "#" codes are contained. Network support of this type is optional.


Unknown number. If <type> is unknown and the <number> contains a lead-


ing "+", then this sign is removed.


Text assigned to the phone number. The maximum length of this parameter is given in the test command response <tlength>. When using an ASCII terminal, characters which are coded differently in ASCII and GSM have to be entered via escape sequences as described in Section 1.5, Supported character sets.


Maximum number of locations supported by the currently selected storage. For phonebooks located on SIM, this value varies depending on the SIM card. See AT+CPBS for typical values.


Maximum length of phone number for "normal" locations. Depending on the storage, a limited number of loca- tions with extended memory is available per phonebook. These locations allow storing numbers with twice the standard length, which is 2*<nlength> digits for normal numbers, but only <nlength> digits for numbers saved with parameter <type>= 209. If all extended locations of the selected phonebook are used up, then any attempt to write a number which requires extended memory will be denied with CME ERROR 260: INVALID DIAL STRING.


Maximum length of <text> assigned to the telephone number. The value indicated by the test command is given in octets. If the <text> string is given in GSM characters, each character corresponds to one octet. If the <text> string is given in UCS2, the maximum number of characters depends on the coding scheme used for the alpha field of the SIM. In the worst case the number of UCS2 characters is at least one less than half the number of GSM characters.

For a detailed description please refer to GSM 11.11, Annex B [21].


Users should be aware that when using this AT command quickly after SIM PIN authentication the SIM data may not yet be accessible, resulting in a short delay before the requested AT command response is returned. See Section 20.1, Restricted access to SIM data after SIM PIN authentication for further detail.


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Siemens MC55 AT manual Typenum