￿Napotek: Pri programu „Marmelada“ funk- cija časovnika ni na razpolago.


Funkcije časovnika ne uporabljajte, če uporabljate hitro pokvarljiva živila, kot so jajca, mleko, smetana ali sir.

Pred začetkom peke

Za uspešen potek peke prosimo upoštevajte nas- lednje faktorje:



Pekač vzemite iz ohišja, preden dodate sestavine. Če sestavine zaidejo v prostor za peko, lahko zaradi segrevanja ogrevalnih zank nastane požar.

• Sestavine zmeraj dajte v pekač v navedenem vrstnem redu.

Vse sestavine morajo biti segrete na sobno temperaturo, da zagotovite optimalno vzha- janje kvasa.

Pazite na natančno odmerjanje količine sestavin. Že majhna odstopanja od količin, navedenih v receptu, lahko vplivajo na končni izdelek.


Nikakor ne uporabljajte večjih količin, kot so nave- dene. Preveč testa se lahko dvigne čez rob pekača in povzroči požar na vročih ogrevalnih zankah.

Peka kruha


Upoštevajte varnostne napotke v teh navodilih. Avtomat za peko kruha postavite na ravno in trdno






potegnite navzgor iz aparata.


Nastavka za gnetenje

nastavite na pogonske


gredi v pekaču . Pazite na to, da sta dobro





3.Sestavine iz recepta v navedenem vrstnem redu dajte v pekač . Najprej dodajte tekočine, sladkor, sol in potem moko, nazadnje pa kvas.


Pazite, da kvas ne pride v stik s soljo ali tekočinami.



ponovno vstavite. Preverite, ali se


je pravilno zaskočil.


Pokrov naprave


6.Omrežni vtič vtaknite v vtičnico.

Sedaj zadoni signalni ton in na prikazovalniku ￿ se pojavi številka programa ter čas trajanja za program 1.

7.Svoj program izberite s tipko za izbiro programa ￿. Vsak vnos se potrdi s signalnim tonom.

8.Po potrebi izberite velikost kruha s tipko ￿.

9.Izberite stopnjo zapečenosti ￿ svojega kruha. Na prikazovalniku ￿ vam puščica pokaže, ali ste nastavili rahlo, srednje ali temno.

Tukaj lahko izberete tudi nastavitev „Hitro“, da skrajšate čas vzhajanja testa.


Za programe 6, 7 in 11 funkcija „Stopnja zapeče- nosti” ni možna.

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Silvercrest SBB850EDSA1-02/10-V3 operating instructions Pred začetkom peke, Peka kruha

SBB850EDSA1-02/10-V3 specifications

The Silvercrest SBB850EDSA1-02/10-V3 is a versatile kitchen appliance designed to streamline meal preparation with a focus on efficiency and innovation. Known for its sleek design and user-friendly interface, this kitchen device is perfect for both novice cooks and seasoned chefs looking to enhance their culinary skills.

One of the standout features of the Silvercrest SBB850EDSA1-02/10-V3 is its multifunctionality. This appliance is equipped to handle a variety of cooking methods, including steaming, sautéing, baking, boiling, and even slow cooking. This versatility allows users to create a wide range of dishes, from hearty stews to delicate desserts, all within one convenient unit.

The device is powered by a robust 850-watt motor, which ensures even heating and efficient cooking. Its adjustable temperature settings and time control make it easy to customize cooking conditions based on the specific recipe being prepared. Whether you are simmering sauces or frying vegetables, the precise controls help achieve consistently excellent results.

Another key technology integrated into the Silvercrest SBB850EDSA1-02/10-V3 is its advanced steam function. The steam basket allows healthy cooking options, enabling users to prepare nutritious meals while retaining important vitamins and minerals. This feature is ideal for those looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle without sacrificing flavor.

Safety is a priority in the design of this appliance. The Silvercrest model includes an automatic shut-off feature, which kicks in when the cooking is completed or when the water level is too low. Additionally, the non-slip base ensures stability during operation, reducing the risk of spills and accidents.

The ease of cleaning makes the Silvercrest SBB850EDSA1-02/10-V3 particularly appealing. Many of its components, including the steaming basket and mixing bowl, are dishwasher-safe, simplifying the after-meal clean-up process. The stainless-steel finish adds not only durability but also aesthetic appeal, ensuring it fits seamlessly into any kitchen decor.

Overall, the Silvercrest SBB850EDSA1-02/10-V3 is a comprehensive kitchen solution. Its blend of function, safety features, and easy maintenance makes it a reliable companion for anyone looking to elevate their cooking experience. Whether you're preparing a quick weeknight dinner or an elaborate feast, this appliance aims to make the process quicker, easier, and more enjoyable.