Set HSCSD parameters


•_ +CME ERROR: <err>

reporting on or off



•_ OK






Show current setting


•_ +CHSR: <mode>



•_ +CME ERROR: <err>



•_ OK







Test if command is


•_ +CHSR: (list of

supported and show




parameter range







•_ +CME ERROR: <err>



•_ OK




With this command enabled, the intermediate result code +CHSR: <rx>,<tx>,<aiur>,<coding> is returned (from TA to TE) when an HSCSD call is being set up. The result code represents the current (negotiated or renegotiated) HSCSD parameters. If enabled, the intermediate result code is transmitted at the point of the call setup negotiation, where the ME/TA has determined what type of HSCSD connection will be used. Result code transmission is done after possible service (CR), error control (+ER), and/or compression (+DR) reporting, but before possible TE-TA rate (+ILRR) reporting and before the intermediate result code CONNECT is transmitted. The format of the intermediate result code is:

+CHSR: <rx>,<tx>,<aiur>,<coding>

For the value definitions, refer to AT+CHSC HSCSD Current Call Parameters

For instance, for a non-transparent HSCSD call, result code ‘CHSR: 2, 1, 4, 8’ means that the call has two timeslots downlink, one timeslot uplink, the air interface user rate is 28.8 kbits/s and the used channel coding is TCH/F14.4.

<mode> Description

0Disable reporting

1Enable reporting

Itermediate Result Codes:

+CHSR: <rx>,<tx>,<aiur>,<coding>

Owner’s Manual

Rev 1.0

Page 132 of 132