16.5AT+CPUC Price Per Unit and Currency Table
Description | Command | Possible Responses |
Set command sets the AT+CPUC=<currency>, parameters of Advice of <ppu>[,<passwd>] Charge related price per
unit and currency table in SIM file EFPUCT
•_ +CME ERROR: <err>
•_ OK
Shows the current | AT+CPUC? | •_ +CPUC: |
values |
| <currency>,<ppu> |
| +CME ERROR: <err> |
| •_ OK |
| •_ ERROR |
Shows if the command | AT+CPUC=? | •_ OK |
is supported |
| •_ ERROR |
Sets the parameters of Advice of Charge related price per unit and currency
table in SIM file EFPUCT. PUCT information can be used to convert the home units (as used in +CAOC, +CACM and +CAMM) into currency units. SIM PIN1
or SIM PIN2 (depending on which SIM card that is used) is required to set the parameters. If setting fails in an ME error, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned.
Read command returns the current parameters of PUCT.
For information on the character set see AT+CSCS in the Short Message Services section.
<currency> | Description |
String | |
| SEK) |
<ppu> | Description |
String type | price per unit; dot is used as a decimal separator (e.g. |
| “2.66”) |
<passwd> | Description |
String type | SIM PIN1 or SIM PIN2 |
Owner’s Manual | Rev 1.0 | Page 251 of 251 |