Read command gives the default adjustment for all outgoing calls (given in <n>), and also triggers an interrogation of the provision status of the CLIR service (given in <m>).
Test command returns values supported by the TA as a compound value.
Note!_ On a per call base CLIR functionality is explained in subclause
<n> Description
0Presentation indicator is used according to the subscription of the CLIR service
1CLIR invocation
2CLIR suppression
<m> Description
0CLIR not provisioned
1CLIR provisioned in permanent mode
2Unknown (e.g. no network)
3CLIR temporary mode presentation restricted
4CLIR temporary mode presentation allowed
16.16AT+CSSNSupplementary Service Notification
Description | Command | Possible Responses |
Presentation of | AT+CSSN=[<n>[,<m>] | •_ +CME ERROR <err> |
notification result codes | ] | •_ OK |
from TA to TE |
| |
| •_ ERROR | |
| |
Read the current setting AT+CSSN? | •_ +CSSN: <n>,<m> | |
| •_ +CME ERROR <err> |
| •_ OK |
| •_ ERROR |
Owner’s Manual | Rev 1.0 | Page 268 of 268 |