<by_te> Description

0No flow control on DTE

1Xon/Xoff flow control on DCE. Control characters are removed by the DCE interface

2RTS flow control on DCE. Default value

3Xon/Xoff flow control on DCE. Control characters are passed to the remote DCE/DTE

<by_ta> Description

0No flow control on DCE

1Xon/Xoff flow control on DTE

2CTS flow control on DCE. Default value

10.13AT+ILRR Cable Interface Local Rate Reporting



Possible Responses

Defines DTE-DCE


character framing


Read the current setting AT+ILRR?

Show if the command is AT+ILRR=? supported

•_ OK

•_ ERROR +ILRR:<value>

+ILRR:(list of supported <values>s)

Specifies whether or not the extended-format “+ILRR:<rate>” information text is transmitted from the DCE to the DTE. The <rate> reported shall represent the current (negotiated or renegotiated) DTE-DCE rate. If enabled, the intermediate result code is transmitted after any modulation, error control or data compression reports are transmitted, and before any final result code (e.g. CONNECT) is transmitted. The <rate> is applied after the final result code is transmitted.

<value> Description

0Disables reporting of local port rate (+ILRR: is not transmitted). Default value

Owner’s Manual

Rev 1.0

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