5.1.3Connection of Components to TT4031 (SE-GM29).

The integrator is responsible for the final integrated system. Incorrectly designed or installed, external components may cause radiation limits to be exceeded. For instance, improperly made connections or improperly installed antennas can disturb the network and lead to malfunctions in the modem or equipment.

5.1.4Network and Subscription

Before your application is used, you must ensure that your chosen network provides the necessary telecommunication services. Contact your service provider to obtain the necessary information.

If you intend to use SMS in the application, ensure this is included in your (voice) subscription.

Consider the choice of the supplementary services described in section “Short Message Service”.

5.2How to Install the Modem

5.2.1Power Supply

Use a high-quality power supply cable with low resistance. This ensures that the voltages at the connector pins are within the allowed range, even during the maximum peak current.

When the unit is powered from a battery or a high current supply, connect a fast 1.25A fuse in line with the positive supply. This protects the power cabling and modem.

5.2.2Securing the modem

Before securing the modem take into account the amount of additional space required for the mating connectors and cables that will be used in the application.

Where access is restricted, it may be easier to connect all the cables to the modem prior to securing it in the application.

Securely attach the TT4031 (SE-GM29) modem to the host application using two 3 mm diameter pan-head screws of appropriate length as shown below.

Owner’s Manual

Rev 1.0

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