Long test mode
If the printer is turned on while the (PAPER FEED) button is pressed, the printerwill enter the long
The test cyclesendlessly.To stop the test you must switchpower off.
Sincethe test print occupiesthe whole width of the carriage,it is recom- mended that the printer is loaded with continuous stationery to avoid possibledamagetotheprintheadand/orplaten.In addition,thetotalnumber of lines printedis considerable,morethan can be accommodatedon a single sheet,so fanfoldpaper is certainlysuggestedfor this test.
Print area test mode
If youwantto knowhowmanylineson yourpapercanbe printed,try to run thispnntarea test.Byholdingthe~ ‘%FWCT]buttondowndunng power- up, the printerwill enterthe print areatest mode.The printerwill printthe firstlinemessage,thenprintsthelastlinemessageon yoursinglesheetafter feedingthe paperto the bottomof the paper.
If youhave loadedthe fanfoldpaper,the printershowsonly the first line.
Stay in panel pitch
By holding the @iTCR)button down during
Afterthe beeptone,youcan