. The minimumwidthof a characteris five dots.
●Dotscannotoverlap— that is, you may not have a dot insidea box next to one that is on a line.
●YoumaydefineanypositionintheASCIItable,excepttheblockgraphics area when you are downloadingin the IBM mode.
rnl m3 m5 rrr7 m9 ml | I |
| ||
m2 m4 | m6 | m8 m10 |
128 |
64 |
| ASCII | Code: |
| Descender: |
| ||
| ||
32 |
| Left space: |
| |
| Last column: |
| |
16 |
| mO = Descender | x 128 | |
8 |
| + | (Left x | 16) |
| + | Last |
| |
| ||
4 |
2 |
1 |
Figure S2 Use this grid (or one similar to it) to define your own draft characters
Definingthe attributedata
Beforeyoustartthedefinition,you willneedto decideexactlywherein the regularASCIIsetyouwanttoplaceyourcharacters.Afterdownloading,you access your new character by sending the code for the character you replaced.