Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
Both | <m> | 9 | 09 |
Movesthe printpositionto the nexthorizontaltab stop. Ignoredif thereisnonexthorizontaltabstopinthecurrentline.Notethatwhen underliningis selected,spacesskippedby horizontaltabulationare not underlined.
Mode ASCIIDecimalHexadecimal
std. | cESC> ‘Y” rd | d | 27 | 92 | ni | d | 16 | 5C td | d |
IBM | <FS> A“ nl | d | 28 | 92 | nl | d | IC | 5C nl | n2 |
Movestheprintpositionrightorleft a specifieddistance(maximum 13.6inches).Ignoredif theresultingpositionis beyondthe rightor left margin. The formulas for the distance and direction are as follows:
If n2 is betweenOand 63,theprintheadmovesrightby (nl + @ x 256)/120inches.
If n2 is between64 and 127,theprintheadmovesleftby (nl + [rz2- 64] x 256)/120inches.
Absolutehorizontaltab in inches
Mode | ASCII | Decimal | Hexadecimal |
Both | cESC> “$” nl d | 27 36 nl d | IB 24 nl n2 |
Setsthenextprintpositionto (nl + rd x 256)/60 inchesfromtheleft margin on the currentline. Ignoredif this positionis beyondthe rightmargin.The maximumpositionis 13.6inches.
Absolutehorizontaltab in columns
Mode ASCIIDecimalHexadecimal
Both | cESC>“f’ | “O” n | 27102 | 48 | n | IB | 66 | 30 | n |
| <ESC>“f’ | <O> n | 27102 | 0 | n | IB | 66 | 00 | n |
Movesthe next print positionto column n from the left margin, wheren is betweenOand 127.