nl is the charactercodeof the first characterdefinedand n2 is the charactercodeof thelast and n2 mustbothbe between32 and 127or both be between 160and 255. n] must be equalto or less than n2. Use of charactercodes32 (space)and 127 (deletecode)shouldbe avoidedif possible.

Eachcharacters definedby anattributebyte(mO)and 11databytes

(ml, m2, ..... roll).

Themost significantbit of the attributebyte is 1 if the characteris an ascender(positionedentirelyabovethe baseline)or Oif it is a descender(descendingbelowthe baseline).The attributebyte also indicatesthe amountof whitespaceto theleft of the character(Oto 7 dots, specifiedby bits 4 to 6), andthe widthof the charactercell, includingthis space(4 to 15dots,specifiedby bitsOto 3). The left spaceandcellwidthattributesareusedonlyinproportionalspacing. Eachdatabyteindicateseightverticaldots,withtheMSBbeingthe top dot and the LSB the bottomdot.These correspondto pins 1 to 8 or 2 to 9 of theprint head,dependingon whetherthe characteris an ascenderor descender.

For furtherdetails,pleaserefer to the Chapter5.

DefineNLQ downloadcharacters

Mode ASCIIDecimalHexadecimal




27 3S O d


26 W d


d MO ml


d mO ml d



ml d



. . . M46

m3 ... m46



. .. m46

Definesoneor morenewNLQ charactersand storesthemin RAM for later use. DIP switch 2-1 must be OFF. NLQ mode must be selectedbeforethis commandis executed.The parameter are the same as for the draftdownloadcharactercommandexceptthatthe attributebytespecifiesrightspaceinsteadof characterwidthandthe dot densityis doubledin each direction,so each characterconsists of 16 dotsverticallyand 23 dots horizontallyand require 46 data bytes.Dotsdefinedby ml to m23areprintedon the firstpassof the head. Dots definedby m24to m46 are printedon the secondpass, the paperbeingscrolledup half a dot betweenthe two passes.For furtherdetails,pleaserefer to the Chapter5.


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Star Micronics LC-15 user manual DefineNLQ downloadcharacters, Ml, m2, ..... roll