Check | Possible remedy |
Are you trying to feed paper | You can only feed paper in this way when the printer is |
using the front panel buttons |
while the ON LINEindicator
Is the paper too thick?
There prelimits to the thickness of paper that can be fed in this way (one top copy and two NCR copies). Try with thinner paper.
If the ASF is not operatingor is not feeding paper correctly,check the following:
Has the ASFoptionbeen selected with the DIP switch?
Isthereleaseleversettothe ~ ~sition?
Is the ASF correctly mounted?
Is papercaughtup near the
print head?
Are the left and right guides too close together?
Is there too much paper in the paper feedhopperorstacker?
Was the paper fanned before king fed into the ASF?
Has the paper been used al- ready or is it creased?
Are you trying to feed paper using the front panel buttons while the ON LINEindicator is illuminated?
Is the paper too thick or too thin?
Possible remedy
Thereleaselevershouldbe set to
Stop printing, remove the j ammed sheet (you may have to remove the ASF for this), and continue.
If the left and right guides are too close together, the paper will not feed smoothly. Move them a little further apart to allow the paper to feed freely.
The ASF’Spaper feed hopper and stacker can hold 120 sheets each. Make sure that there is no more paper than this in either the hopper or stacker.
If this is not done, paper jams may occur. Remove the stack of paper from the ASF and fan it before reinsert- ing.
Only new, uncreased paper should be used with the ASF.
You can onfy feed paper in this way when the printer is
There are limits to the thickness of paper that can be fed in this way. Try with different paper.