COPYandTYPE do not permityou to executeother commandswhilethe file is printing.

If youwantaparticularfontstyle,orpnnt pitch,youcanmakethesesettings from the controlpanelbefore you start printing.See Chapter2.

IfyouprintfromtheDOScommandlevelveryoften,itwillbe advantageous to createa printersetupfile.Then insteadof settingfontstyleetc. manually each time, you can completethe setup with a singlecommandfrom your computer.For example,you can createa filecontainingprintercommands to selectnearletterquality,andselectelitepitch.Youcanfindthecommands in Chapter4. We suggestthe following:

Near letter quality

<ESC> “X”


Elite pitch

<ESC> .






<ESC>“!” cl> is a powerfidcommandthat, in additionto selectingelite pitch, cancelsunwantedfeaturessuch as underliningwhich might be left from previous commands.The angle brackets around the cl> indicate charactercode 1, whichis a controlcode,not the printabledigit” l“.

You may want to place additionalcommandsin this file, such as left and rightmargins,linespacingandbottommargincommands.Oryoumaywant to create a varietyof setupfiles with a differentset of commandsin each.

To avoidexcessline feeds,you shouldplacethe commandson one line in thesetupfile.Youmayor maynotbe ableto generatea setupfilewithword- processingsoftware;it dependson whetheryour softwarelets you enter controlcodes.If yoursystemincludesthe fileEDLIN.COM,however,you can easilycreate a setup file with the DOS line editor.

An appropriatenamefor this setupfile wouldbe NLQELITE.DAT.To use theDOSlineeditor,typethecommandEDLINNLQELITE.DAT,thentype the underlinedparts of the followingdisplay.Press RETURNat the end of eachline. Don’ttypethe symbol“A”.This symbolmeansto holdthe CTRL

keydownwhilepressingthenextkey:forexample,‘V meansto typeCTRL-

V. Ac mem5 t. typ CTRL.C, whichindicatesthe end of the inPut.


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Star Micronics LC-15 user manual Aedlin Nlqelite .~