Numberof columns | CPI |
Pica | 10 | 136 |
Elite | 12 | 163 |
Condensedpica | 17.1 | 233 |
Condensedelite | 20 | 272 |
Proportional |
| Variable |
Sometimes the software installation will ask you for an initialization sequenceto returnto the defaultsettings.The commandfor yourprinteris <ESC>(Q.
Makesurethatthe DIP switchesare set for the rightprinteremulation,and that youhaveselectedthe appropriatecharactersetusingthe DIPswitches. If youarein doubtabouttheconfigurationof yourapplicationsoftware,seek expert advice.Your softwaresupplierwill probablybe your most conve- nient reference.
Type style (Font): | ((m)o | Courier |
| ((n)l | Sanserif |
| ((n)z | Oratorwith smallcapitals |
| ((m)3 | Oratorwith lower case |
| ((m)9 | Draft |
Size: | ((s))0 | Standardsize |
| ((s))1 | Doublewidth |
| ((s))2 | Doubleheight |
| ((s))3 | Doublewidth and height |
Bold: | ((B))O | |
| ((B))l | Bold |
Italic: | ((1))0 | |
| ((1))1 | Italic |