If you want to print a title in
File as seen on computerscreen:
( (F) ) 2 ( (S) ) 3
Printer Commands ( (F) ) O ( (S) ) O
Type style, size, bold print, and
( ( I ) ) 11ta 1i c ( ( I ) ) Ocorrunands can be embedded
(( I))lanYwhem ((l)}Oln a document.
Type style, size, bold print, and 1ta 1ic commands can be embedded
anywhere i n a document .
When you use thesecommandsthere are severalpointsto note:
●The type style((F)) and italic ((I)) commandsare ignoredif the (~) buttonwas held down when powerwas switchedon.
✎A line consistingof commandsaloneprintsas a blank line.
●Software does not know that these commandsare commands,so you cannottrust yoursoftwareto giveyouthe correctline width.The printed line may be considerablyshorterthan the line on the screen;the missing spaceis the spacethat was occupiedby the commands.
Onewayto handlethelastproblemis to prepareyourdocumentwithoutthe commands,then insertthemas a finalstep,with the marginsreleased.The find,replace,andcopyfunctionsof
If youdonotusethesecommandsor thepanelcontrols,theprinterwillprint