Switches C-l and C-2: Which print mode do you want to set?
These switches select the default print pitch and the fonts as shown below.
NOTE:If you change these switches after you have stored the macro, these
settings will override the macro setting. -
Switches C-3 and C-4: What is the page length of your paper? -
Leave these switches ON if you will be using 1 l-inch forms. You will need
to change the switches if you will be using a different page length as shown -
Switch D-l: The action of this switch depends on the mode chosen with
switch A- 1.
If you selected Standard mode, do you want italic or graphic
Move this switch OFF to print italics in the Standard character set. If you
leave this switch in the ON position, in place of italics you will get the -
graphic characters, international characters, and mathematical symbols of -
IBM character set #2. See Chapter 9, character codes 128 to 254.
If you selected IBM mode, do you want IBM character set #l or #2?
ON selects character set #2, which is for computers with an 8-bit interface
(the most common kind). OFF selects character set #l , for computers with
a 7-bit interface.