Examples: n = 1 gives elite; n = 9 (1 + 8) gives emphasized elite; n
= 137 (1 + 8 + 128) gives underlined emphasized elite.
Function n value
Underline 128
Italic 64
Expanded 32
Double strike 16
Emphasized 8
Condensed [ *] 4
Proportional [ *] 2
Elite [*] 1
[ *] Ignored if the (PITCH) button was pressed during power-up.
increase character spacing
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Std. <ES& cSP> n 27 32 n 1B 20 n
Increases the space between characters by n/240 inches, where n is
a number from 0 to 127. Used in microjustification.
Select double or quadruple size
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Std. <ESC> “h” n 27104 n 1B 68 n
Selects the size of subsequent characters as shown below. Extra-
high characters align along the cap-line of normal characters, with
the base line temporarily moving down. Line spacing is temporarily
doubled when n = 1 and quadrupled when II = 2.
n Effect
0 Normal size
1 Double-high, double-wide
2 Quadruple-high, quadruple-wide