Set page length to n inches
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both <ES& “C!” <O> n 27 67 0 n lB4300 n
Sets the page length to n inches, where n is between 1 and 32 in
Standard mode or between 1 and 64 in IBM mode. The current line
becomes the top of the page.
Set bottom margin
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both <ESC> “IV n 27 70 n lB4E n
Sets the bottom margin to n lines, where n is between 1 and 127 in
Standard mode or between 1 and 255 in IBM mode. The bottom
margin is reset when you change the page length.
Cancel bottom margin
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both <ESC> “0” 27 79 1B 4F
Cancels the bottom margin.
Form feed
. Mode 1 ASCII Decimal
Both 1 cFF> I 12
I oc
Feeds the paper to the top of the next page according to the current
page length, and moves the print position to the left margin. When
the automatic sheet feeder (ASF) is selected (EDS switch A-4 is
OFF), this command ejects the current page.