Absolute horizontal tab, 66 Ascender, 70,82
Auto feed, 79 Auto loading, 3 1 Automatic line feed, 37,63 Automatic sheet feeder, 9,37,78,117
Backspace, 63
BASIC, 28,84,88,91,101 Beeper, 78
Bidirectional printing, 40,78
Bottom feed, 15 Bottom margin, 59 Buffer, 32,37, 116
Cancel command, 76 Carriage return, 63 Centering, 64
Channels of vertical tab stops, 61 Character codes, printing of all, 49 Character set commands, 4749 Character sets,
Character spacing, 53 Cleaning, 113
Code page, 39,48 Color printing, 32
Color selection commands,
Connector, 3.8
Control panel, 2 1
Courier font, 24,43
IDI Delete, 76 Descender, 70.82 Dimensions of printer, 117 Dot matrix size, 116
EDS mode, 35,96 Electronic DIE switch, 35 Elite pitch. 23,42,50.73 Emphasized printing, 44 Emulation, 36,95,116 Entry slot, 3
Environmental requirements, 1 Escape sequence, 4 1 Expanded printing, 5 1
Fanfold forms: loading, 12 parking, 16,23 specifications, 116 unparking, 17
Fixed spacing, 52 FONT button, 24
Font control commands,