Print O-pin graphics
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Std. <ESC> “*” n0 nl 27 94 n0 nl 1B 5E n0 nl
n2 ml m2 . . . n2 ml m2 . . . n2 ml m2 . . .
Selects one of eight graphics modes depending on the value of n0
and prints g-pin bit-image graphics in this mode. The graphics
image is 9 dots high and nl + n2 x 256 dots wide. Maximum width
is 8 inches. Dots beyond the right margin are ignores. ml, m2, . . . are
byte pairs representing 9 vertical dots each. In the leftmost position,
the most significant bit of ml is the top dot; the least significant bit
of ml is the second dot from the bottom; the most significant bit of
m2 is the bottom dot; and the other bits of m2 are ignored. Other byte
pairs are similar. The number of data bytes must be 2 x (nl + n2 x
256). At the end of bit-image printing the printer returns automati-
cally to character mode.
n0 Graphics mode
0 Normal-density (60 dots per inch)
1 Double-density (120 dots per inch)
2 Double-density, double-speed (120 dots per inch)
3 Quadruple-density (240 dots per inch)
4 CRT graphics, mode I (80 dots per inch)
5 Plotter graphics (72 dots per inch)
6 CRT graphics, mode II (90 dots per inch)
7 Double-density plotter graphics (144 dots per inch)