Next, you must specify the left space and the last print column of the character.
Being able to specify the width of the character allows you to specify the precise area inside the grid that the character will occupy, so that narrow characters will look attractive next to wide ones.
Acceptable values for the left space are 0 to 7, and the last print column are from4 to 11.
Our character will occupy from column 1 to column 11, so the left space is 0 and the character width data is 11.
Assigning the character data
Now, we calculate the vertical numerical values of the columns of dots, and enter them underneath the grid. For example, looking at Figure
ml 1713m5 m7 m9 m/I
m2 m4 m6 mNm10
Descender: I
Left space: 0
Last column: ?I
mU = Descender x I28 + (Left x 16)
+ Last
1.7466 64 76 76 0
0 4 36 2 7.2
Figure 5-3. Add the values of the dots in each column and write the sum of each column at the bottom
You will see the letters ml, m2,m3,etc., are above your values. When you define the character, you will substitute your value for each of these letters.