Set MSB to I
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Std. <ESC> “>” 27 62 1B 3E
Sets the most significant bit of each subsequent byte received to 1,
allowing users with a 7-bit interface to access characters with ASCII
codes greater than 127.
Set MSB to 0 -
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Std. <ESC> “=” 27 61 1B 3D
Sets the most significant bit of each subsequent byte received to 0.
Accept MSB as is
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Std. cESC> “P’ 27 35 1B 23
Cancels the preceding commands and accepts the most significant
bit as it is sent to the printer.
Delete last character sent
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Std. <DEL> 127 7F
Deletes the last character received. Ignored if the last character -
received has already been printed, or if the last character received _.
was all or part of a command.
Cancel last line
Mode 1 ASCII 1 Decimal 1 Hexadecimal
1 Both 1 <CAN> 1 24 1 18 1
Deletes the last line currently present in the print buffer.