Relative horizontal tab
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Std. cESC> ‘T’ nl n2 27 92 nl n.2 IB 5C nl n2
Moves the print position right or left a specified distance (maximum
8 inches). Ignored if the resulting position is beyond the right or left
margin. The formulas for the distance and direction are as follows:
If n2 is between 0 and 63, the print head moves right by (nl + n2 x
256)/120 inches. ~-
If you want to move the print head to the left, nl and n2 are obtained
by subtracting the value from 65536, and dividing the result into -.
high and low bytes.
Absolute horizontal tab in inches -
Mode 1 ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal -.
Std. 1 <ESC> ‘3” nl n2 27 36 nl d 1B 24 nl n2
Sets the next print position to (nl + n2 x 256)/60 inches from the left
margin on the current line. Ignored if this position is beyond the
right margin. The maximum position is 8 inches.
Absolute horizontal tab in columns
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
<ESC> “f’ “0” n 27 102 48 n lB6630 n
Std. <ESC> “f’ <0> n 27 102 0 n lB6600 n -.
Moves the next print position to column n from the left margin,
where n is between 0 and 127.