on the Internet and can only be used for private networks. For example, if you tell someone on the Internet to connect to you using a 192.168.x.x address, it will not work. Instead, you must provide your real/Public IP Address.
What is NAT and how does it affect VoIP?
Network Address Translation (NAT) allows multiple devices to share the same exter- nal IP address to access resources on the Internet. NAT is typically used to allow all the devices in a subscriber’s local area network to access the Internet through a router with a single public IP address assigned by the Internet Service Provider.
If a VoIP device is sitting behind a NAT, the private IP address assigned to it is not usable for communications with the entities outside the private network. The VoIP device must substitute the private IP address information with the proper external IP address/port in the mapping chosen by the underlying NAT to communicate with a particular public peer address/port. TalkSwitch can automatically check for the cur- rent public IP address and substitute the private IP address with the public address so that VoIP traffic is properly routed through the NAT.
What’s the difference between a Static IP Address and a Dynamic IP Address? What effect does this have on VoIP?
A Static IP Address is an address that is permanently assigned to a device. Typically, a Static IP Address has to be assigned by the network administrator or Internet Service Provider (ISP).
A Dynamic IP Address is an address that is temporarily assigned to devices by a DHCP or PPP server that maintains and assigns a pool of IP addresses.
When deploying VoIP devices, it’s best to have a Static Public IP Address as this pre- vents destinations from becoming unreachable for periods of time when the IP address changes. But since this can be an expensive option, TalkSwitch
What is a SIP Proxy and Registrar?
SIP’s basic architecture is client/server in nature. The main entities in the SIP server are the Proxy, Redirect Server and the Registrar.
TalkSwitch User Manual