While the caller is on hold at your extension, you will hear a ‘Call Waiting’ beep every 75 seconds. If you want to rotate through queued callers, dial ‘flash’ then ‘7’. The caller you are speaking to will be placed on hold, and the first caller in the queue will be retrieved. If you have multiple callers queued up, pressing ‘flash’ then ‘7’ will retrieve callers on a first in/first out basis. Queuing callers to an Extension Ring Group
If you want to queue callers for a Ring Group, you can configure this action using an Auto Attendant. This feature is sometimes referred to as Automatic Call Distribution.
Example: Configure Auto Attendant 1 so that if callers press ‘5’ they will be queued to ring group 301 for technical support. Now when a caller presses ‘5’ for tech support, they will immediately enter the queue. Every 60 seconds the caller will hear the following prompt: “Your call is important to us; please remain on the line. To return to the previous menu, press star.” Extensions that are part of the ring group and are available will start ringing within 10 seconds of hanging up the phone from a previous call. The delay gives you time to make a new call or activate ‘Do not Disturb’ as a log out option. After your extension rings 5 times, it will ring once every 16 seconds. When picked up, you have the option to take the queued call or make a new call.
4.2.7 Conference calling with TalkSwitch
2 TalkSwitch Local Extensions and 1 outside caller:
You do not require access to the telephone company’s
1.Establish a call with an outside party.
2.Place the outside caller on hold by pressing ‘flash’. Dial the number of the Local Extension you wish to conference with.
3.When the extension is picked up, you can establish the
2 outside callers and 1 Local Extension (eg: Line 1 and Line 2):
You can do this type of conference call using two different methods.
The first method is similar to above, using only TalkSwitch for the conference function.
1.Establish a call with an outside party.
2.Place the outside caller on hold and dial the number of the other outside party you wish to conference with. If you have ‘Direct Line Access’ enabled at your extension, you will first need to dial ‘9’ or another Hunt Group before dialing the second phone number.
3.When the call is answered, you can establish the
TalkSwitch User Manual